
Scripting in Rhino Python: Switching Units

MARCH 16, 2015

Scripting In Rhino Python: Switching Units

Following up with the Scripting In Rhino Python series of articles, here is a useful snippet of code that automates switching units on a Rhino document.

This script basically switches the units of the current document between meters and millimeters. The important function is rs.UnitSystem(), which returns the current unit measure — or sets it if we give parameters to the function.

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

if rs.UnitSystem() == 2:
    # Current unit is mm, Switch to m
    rs.UnitSystem(4, False, True)
    # Current unit is m, switch to mm
    rs.UnitSystem(2, False, True)

What's Next

This article is part of a series of posts about efficient architectural methods, workflows and tools, titled Getting Architecture Done.

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