
'The Right Moment'

AUGUST 15, 2014

If you are thinking on doing something and sharing it with the world, it is worth while to read the following from Seth Godin:

You might be waiting for things to settle down. For the kids to be old enough, for work to calm down, for the economy to recover, for the weather to cooperate, for your bad back to let up just a little...

The thing is, people who make a difference never wait for just the right time. They know that it will never arrive.

Instead, they make their ruckus when they are short of sleep, out of money, hungry, in the middle of a domestic mess and during a blizzard. Whenever.

As long as whenever is now.

Nothing will tell you when is the best moment to do something, or when that thing has reached perfection. Over analyzing flaws will stop you from shipping. Also, the way you value a product is different from how other people who do, as not everyone understand the world as you do.

What are you waiting for?

Get your product out now. Just ship it.

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