
Vine. The New Film.

JULY 2, 2013

Vine. The New Film.

Image | Lourdes Alonso Carrión

Owen Gothill on Vine:

After Vine’s initial launch, it soon became apparent that its constraints were allowing digital videos to take on entirely new forms. Vine videos are often silent, or contain only diegetic sound without a soundtrack or voiceover. The structure and message are often extremely simple, if they have a message at all. They are in many ways the digital equivalent of 8mm film. But there is more to this analogy than just aesthetic commonalities."

One way or another, this new platforms are making people experiment with video composition in ways they would have never thought of. The constraints of the service make it so simple. A tiny and well defined capability which enforces creativity.

The following is a Vine capture from a movie that my mother used for her final project of Fine Arts –titled Registro de una memoria– a month ago. The main part of the project was an 8 mm projector which —with a Looper 8 a attaching both ends of the movie— would run an old 8mm movie from her childhood in an infinite loop, the same way that Vine plays.

2020.04.10: A Vine used to show in here. But Vine doesn't exist anymore.

Via | Vine is our new Super 8 — Medium

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