
Asciinema to MP4


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I'd love to be able to export asciinema recordings as gif animations and mp4 videos. The creators don't see a point in doing this, as converting text-based recordings into image-based animations goes against asciinema's raison d'etre, but I would find it super useful to be able to include small snippets of recordings on Keynote or PowerPoint presentation slides.

  • asciicast2gif is a tool to export recordings as GIF animations that can later be converted into MP4 videos.
  • svg-term-cli exports recordings as SVG. A lot lighter and customizable.

What I would often do, if I really need this, is to capture the portion of my screen of the terminal as it plays an asciinema recording. That way, I can re-encode and compress the video afterward to MP4 or other formats and embed it on my Keynote slides.
