
Automating Backups


Today I've automated the backup of the configuration, database, and static files of all the websites I manage. Two hours and a half that will save me a lot of time in the coming future, and remove stress when weird things happen. The backup—of six websites in three different servers running Laravel—downloads a copy of the database, the .env files, and the static files (a zip with the contents of the public folder) of each site.

I'll probably open source these scripts in the near future.

One new thing I learned was creating bash functions, like this one.

# create a variable with current date, formatted as yymmdd_HHMMSS
DATE_NOW=$(date '+%y%m%d_%H%M%S') 

# function that zips something and removes it
zip_and_remove() { cd $1 && zip "$" $2 && rm $2 && cd .. }

# function that downloads a file via ssh then calls the previous one
download_zip_remove() { scp $1 $2/$3 && zip_and_remove $2 $3  }

# a function call
download_zip_remove root@ $DESTINATION $(echo $DATE_NOW)_$SITENAME.env
