
Load a JSON File with TypeScript

APRIL 5, 2018

To import JSON into your TypeScript code, you need to add the following code to a typings file (a file with a name like *.d.ts, say, json.d.ts—but it does not necessarily need to say json)1.

// This will allow you to load `.json` files from disk

declare module "*.json"
{ const value: any;
  export default value;

// This will allow you to load JSON from remote URL responses

declare module "json!*"
{ const value: any;
  export default value;

After doing this, you can do the following in TypeScript.

import * as graph from './data/graph.json';
import data from "json!";

You can then use graph and data as JSON objects in your TypeScript code.

I used this code to load a Dynamo JSON graph into TypeScript — just change the .dyn extension to .json and it will work with this code.

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