
What is Artificial Intelligence?

OCTOBER 17, 2018

This year, the ACADIA conference is taking place at UNAM's Facultad de Arquitectura, Mexico City. As part of the Talk to a Wall workshop, Cristobal Valenzuela (@c_valenzuelab) talked about his work on RunwayML, ml5js, and a lot of what's going on at the moment on the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.

Along his definition of artificial intelligence, "[The] simulation of intelligent behavior in computers," he shared the following quotes of some of the most relevant researchers of artificial intelligence over the last years.

Models for Thinking, Perception, Action.

—Patrick H. Winston, MIT

Many things can be AI, including simple programming. AI is the automation of thought.

—François Chollet, researcher and author of Keras

A field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.

—Arthur Samuel, MIT. Samuel Checkers, 1957

If you're interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning, you should definitely follow @c_valenzuelab, @ml5js, and @runwayml.

CodeArtificial IntelligenceTalk