
Async TypeScript function

FEBRUARY 24, 2023

Here's how to define simple async functions in TypeScript.

(async (/*arguments*/) => {/*function logic*/})(/*values*/); 

No arguments

// Define an asynchronous function.
const helloAsync = async() => { console.log("Hey, Async!"); }

// Call it asynchronously.

With arguments

(async(text: string) => { console.log(text); })("Hello, Async!")

With delay

(async(text: string) => { setTimeout(() => console.log(text), 2000); })("Hello, Async!")

Synchronously inside of an asynchronous function

// Say we have an async talk() function that logs text to the console.
const talk = async(text: string) => { console.log(text); }

// And a sleep() function that uses a Promise to wait for milliseconds.
const sleep = (ms: number) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

// We can wrap calls to async functions in an async function.
// Then `await` to execute them synchronously.
(async () => {
  await talk(`Hello!`);
  await sleep(1000);
  await talk(`What's up?`);
  await sleep(2000);
  await talk(`Bye now!`);
