
imaginAIry commands from Live 97

FEBRUARY 17, 2023

Here are some of the commands we used during the Creative Machine Learning Live 97.

First, create an Anaconda environment or install in your Python install with pip.

pip install imaginairy

Before running the commands below, I entered an interactive imaginAIry shell.

🤖🧠> # Commands here
# Upscale an image 4x with Real-ESRGAN.
upscale image.jpg

# Generate an image and animate the diffusion process.
imagine "a sunflower" --gif

# Generate an image and create a GIF comparing it with the original.
imagine "a sunflower" --compare-gif

# Schedule argument values.
edit input.jpg \
    --prompt "a sunflower" \
    --steps 21 \
    --arg-schedule "prompt_strength[6:8:0.5]" \
    --compilation-anim gif
