
Live 112: Deploy Vite, React & TypeScript Apps with Vercel

FEBRUARY 16, 2024

In Live 112, we did a hands-on example of how to deploy a web app with Vercel.

We used Yarn Modern (4.1.0) to create, develop, and build a Vite app that uses React, SWC & TypeScript, pushed the app to GitHub, and import the Git repository into a Vercel deployment, which then re-builds and deploys on every code change.

If this is something that interests you, please let me know on Twitter or, even better, on the Discord community.

Thanks for watching.

See you next time!


00:16 · Introduction
01:58 · Previously
02:26 · Today
05:21 · Diffusion Models for Visual Computing
10:07 · LGM
11:21 · Interlude
12:53 · Vite, React & TypeScript Apps with Yarn Modern
17:20 · Create the App
24:29 · Push to Git
29:07 · Deploy to Vercel
33:40 · Edit the App
42:53 · YouTube Channel
45:23 · Draw Fast
46:25 · Markers
47:51 · Elgato Prompter
48:27 · Markers
51:45 · Outro
