If pylint
or other linter is giving you this error in a Python file, there's a simple way to get rid of it.
Missing module docstring pylint(missing-module-docstring)
Simply add a description to the top of your Python file.
'''Description of your file.'''
# or
Description of your file.
If you don't want to add a description, you can tell the linter to ignore this error by creating a .pylintrc
file in your directory and adding the following code.
# .pylintrc
C0114, # missing-module-docstring
You could ignore other errors the same way. Here's an exhaustive list of Pylint warning and error codes.
Another way to ignore Pylint warnings and errors is to add the following configuration key to your VSCode settings.
# settings.json
"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--disable=C0114"]