
APRIL 27, 2018

Link Pack

Link Pack1 is a set of recommendations that you, as I did, might find interesting. This week, it features links on music, design, code, and more, and an animation of myself training Teachable Machine on the browser.

Machine Intelligence

  • Keep your eyes wide open to the "friendly machine learning for the web" that is being developed at ml5js by Daniel Shiffman and awesome people from NYU ITP. Here is How the name came to be.
  • Google Colaboratory, "a Google research project created to help disseminate machine learning education and research. It’s a Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup to use and runs entirely in the cloud."
  • X Degrees of Separation by Mario Klingemann (@quasimondo).

I hope you have a great weekend!

  1. You can browse previous link packs here

SEPTEMBER 29, 2017

Link Pack1 is a set of recommendations that you, as I did, might enjoy or find interesting. This week, it features links on design, code, and simplicity, and a video by Automatica with music played by robots and Nigel Stanford2.

For designers who code: Airbnb's Lottie lets you export After Effects animations to native iOS and Android animations. If you're into CSS, you might like Scooter (an SCSS framework built to provide base styles, CSS components, and rapid static prototyping for Dropbox). And if you're into Swift, check out this open-source UI Libraries.

On simplicity, you can read a publication by Ben Taylor (Dropbox) on practicing mindfulness at work and my latest piece on Getting Simple: Freeze Your Goals. And listen to The Slow Home Podcast (by Brooke and Ben McAlary).

Have a great weekend!

  1. You can browse previous link packs here

  2. Automatica is a project of Nigel Stanford sponsored by KUKA and Sennheiser (via Prosthetic Knowledge). You can buy the album or the 4k video here

AUGUST 4, 2017

Link Pack1 is a set of recommendations that you, as I did, might enjoy or find interesting. This week, some content relates to what I've been exploring on the field of machine intelligence. First, a video of Augmented Reality's "Aha Moment" by Trixi Studios which uses ARKit and real-time image processing2.

  • A great site I came across recently: Unsplash. High-quality photography for free. No attribution required.
  • A quote: "The effort to save effort is an effort." —Ortega y Gasset
  • Hidden Folks. A beautiful, hand-drawn, animated game for iOS and Mac.
  • My latest stuff on Dribbble.
  • Interested in Machine Learning? Keras is "a high-level neural network API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow [Google], CNTK [Microsoft], and Theano [Université de Montréal]."
  • Three days ago, Netflix open-sourced vectorflow — a minimalist neural network library optimized for sparse data and single machine environments. (See on Github.)
  • Other resources to learn about Machine Learning (recommended by @jongold) are FloydHub and Deep Learning with Python by Francois Chollet.
  • Mac keyboard shortcuts
  • Psst! I also write on Getting Simple. Subscribe here to support and join my journey to simplicity.

Have a great weekend!

  1. You can browse previous link packs here

  2. In their own words: "We are giant fans of the original video by Aha and director Steve Barron, and especially the legendary animators Michael Patterson and Candace Reckinger who came up with the beautiful technique and style we were trying to emulate. This work was made very quickly and just for fun, there is a lot of room for improvement. We inspired by the intersection of emerging mass technology like ARKit and visual effects that traditionally have been difficult to recreate. Everything is live in camera and works as shown." 

FEBRUARY 24, 2017

Link Pack1 is a set of recommendations that you, as I did, might enjoy or find interesting. Today it begins with Eyes Wide Open, a movie shoot by Vitùc in 2016 in Bangladesh which music was produced, composed, and arranged by Rem Perry.

  • "A robot to teach [kids] coding:" Root.
  • A book: Deep Work by Cal Newport2.
  • A quote: "Design is a word that’s come to mean so much that it’s also a word that has come to mean nothing." —Jonathan Ive
  • I’m in love with Gérard Michel’s urban sketches.
  • An article: Frequency Is The Word by Victoria Haidamus.
  • Remember GameBoy Camera? Now for iPhone—8-Bit Pocket Camera.
  • Create a native macOS app from any website with Nativefier3.
  • Psst! I'm almost done writing the next essay for Getting Simple. Subscribe here to support and join my journey to simplicity.

Have a great weekend!

  1. You can browse previous link packs here

  2. Cal Newport highlights the rules needed for success in our distracted world and digs into the whys and hows "deep" work should be prioritized over "shallow" work. 

  3. It lets you pack any website as a native macOS electron app. It also includes Chromium inside, so you know that who ever runs it will have an up-to-date "browser". 


Link Pack is a pack of links to articles, videos, quotes, and resources I found over the internet, which I think you might enjoy. Today it begins with the official trailer of HUMAN, a movie by Yann Arthus-Bertrand selected at the Venice Film Festival in 2015. (I’m loving its music, composed by Armand Amar.)

  • What I’m reading — The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly.
  • If you are into writing, you might find this brief style guide by Patrick Winston useful.
  • Want to know how to avoid your newsletter campaign to be marked as spam? Follow Mailchimp’s guide on how to avoid spam.
  • On August 26, I open-sourced the first version of Voxel2GCode, a project to transform geometric objects and voxel-based models into 3D-printable G-code instructions. Check out some of the artifacts on my Instagram.
  • “Design has as much to do with art as a lobster has to do with a carrot cake.” 10 Things You Need to Learn in Design School if You’re Tired of Wasting Your Money by Mike Monteiro. Read it on Medium.
  • A quote I’m pondering:

Someday is not a day of the week. —Unknown

SEPTEMBER 11, 2015

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. Today, it begins with a video by Richard Clarkson, who wants to sell you a weather storm for your bedroom for more than three thousand sterling pounds.

Enjoy your weekend!

JULY 31, 2015

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. Today, it begins with the second video of Derivasia, titled Viaja sin rumbo, a la deriva.

Have a great weekend!

MAY 15, 2015

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. Today, it begins with the second video of Derivasia, titled 'Viaja sin rumbo, a la deriva .'

Remember, you can get my new articles delivered to your email (just by joining this list), follow by RSS, or follow at @nonomablog. Have a good weekend!

APRIL 10, 2015

Friday Link Pack is a weekly or bi-weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. Today, it begins with a video of the Mercedes F 015, titled 'Luxury in Motion,' — that depicts how Mercedes envisions the car of the future.

MARCH 13, 2015

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. Today, it begins with a video from Derivasia, titled 'Cambia de lugar, cambio de ideas.'

FEBRUARY 27, 2015

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This week, it starts with a TEDx Talk video of Will Stephen named How to sound smart on your TEDx Talk.

FEBRUARY 13, 2015

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This week, it starts with a video from Rick Mereki titled MOVE.

Have a great Weekend!

NOVEMBER 8, 2014

RUSH HOUR by Black Sheep Films, via Swiss-miss.

OCTOBER 20, 2014

Link Pack is a pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This time, it starts with a Times New Roman video which is part of the Unquiet Film Series.



Productivity, Marketing & Writing

AUGUST 2, 2014

Its been a while since the last Link Pack, but here it is again. Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This week it starts with a video of Iceland. The song of the video is Jungle Drum by Emiliana Torrini.

Have interesting stuff? Share it with me for future Link Packs.

MARCH 14, 2014

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This week, it starts with a video from Mateusz M titled DREAM.




FEBRUARY 28, 2014

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This week, it starts with a video from Steve Wolfram presenting the Wolfram Language, what he calls: A knowledge based language, where a vast amount of knowledge about how to do computations and about the world is built right in to the language.


Abstract from Imitation As A Tool: by Nathan Borror:

People always ask me, “how do I become a better designer” or “how can I be more creative?” Here’s my answer: identify the work you love, study it, imitate it, remix it, and most importantly make mistakes along the way.


Productivity & Marketing

FEBRUARY 21, 2014

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This week, it starts with a video from Makr Shakr by Carlo Ratti and MIT Senseable City Lab. What could you make with the power of three robots in your pocket?




  • Remove all your old tweets and start clean with Shame Eraser on Github by Benjamin Jackson. Beware: there is no undo.

  • Recently updated my iOS Notes repository on Github.

  • WOW.js — Reveal Animations When You Scroll. Very Animate.css Friend.

FEBRUARY 7, 2014

Friday Link Pack is a weekly pack of links to articles, videos and resources I found over the week. This week, it starts with a video of DURR, a shivering unisex bracelet that investigates our perception of 5 minutes. (via)


Productivity & Marketing


JANUARY 31, 2014

The video presents the conceptual view of Infinity of potential future uses of Augmented Reality in our daily lives. (via)

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” — Walt Disney

JANUARY 24, 2014

A video titled Mountain, filmed by .

For Developers

  • Simple social authentication for iOS.
  • fullPage.js by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen websites fast and simple.

JANUARY 17, 2014

  • Video with a 99U talk from Brené Brown (via)

Its about showing up and being seen. It tis guaranteed, that you will get your ass kicked. — Brené Brown at 99U

The following is the quote to which Brené Brown refers to in the talk:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

JANUARY 10, 2014

The Hour Of Code is an initiative to spread the idea that everyone should learn how to code in school, even before university. It offers an introduction of one hour of code with the basic concepts of programming. Some of the exercises resemble to the dynamic of Scratch.

JANUARY 6, 2014

In the first link pack of the year I want to feature a talk of Seth Godin at CreativeMornings New York, Thinking Backwards, which questions the changes you are willing to make in your clients.

Happy 2014 & Thanks for Reading!

DECEMBER 4, 2013

Jonathan Ive On Simplicity

Simplicity is not the absence of clutter — it’s getting to a place of almost naive obviousness, where what you need to do seems clear and inevitable. —Jonathan Ive1

  1. Image credits

NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Link Pack

OCTOBER 27, 2013

The Paper iPad App guys teamed up with Moleskine (via Swiss-miss)


  • LDDrawingView. An objective-c category to draw in an UIView with blocks rather than subclassing.
  • UnitsKit library to Evaluate and Format Units of Measurement.
  • MMMarkdown. Convert Markdown to HTML on iOS.

OCTOBER 3, 2013

A Link Pack to share stuff that made-me-look these last weeks.


"Storage is disappearing from offices." — Erwan Bouroullec on Workbays System.



SEPTEMBER 13, 2013

The song of the video -filmed by Luis Caldevilla in Tenerife, Spain- is Two Steps From Hell - Heart of Courage




  • I just started using Buffer to schedule tweets at a specific time.

“Once you take that first step, you have a bit of forward momentum. And it’s much easier to be consistent and stick with something for a long time.” — Leo Babauta

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Listen to Getting Simple .